Here are some newer pictures of Madison...notice most of them are in the high cahir. This seems to be the only place we can get her to sit still long enough to take a picture! I can hardly believe she is just 2 weeks shy of being a whole year old!! Yikes!! Enjoy!
The girl LOVES her corn! She screams and tries to get out of the cart to reach the corn at Farmers Market.
My girlfriends and I enjoy getting out in the fresh air...what better way to do it then hiking a mountain. Black Mountain has a nice paved path on one of the routes that makes for a much smoother walk. It only takes a short amount of time to really feel the burn! The girls love the walk and love sharing a snack at the top!
Recently our family has taken on hiking...we try to take at least one long walk/hike every weekend. (usually about 5 miles) Our favorite place to go is Point Buchon out past Montana de Oro. (see link for interesting note about trail) Here are some pictures of us out having fun!
The Peffly's came over for dinner and brought their girls. We couldn't resist putting crowns on the babies while they played. (Paloma was quick to discover hers and removed it) Nicolas and Eva had a blast making a mess of Nicolas' room with a new game called "dump everything on the floor!"