Monday, December 31, 2007

The Holidays...

Well, I am looking back and realize that it has been over a month since I last posted on here. (thank you to the few of you who emailed me and brought this to my attention)

The holidays were so much fun for all of us. December turned out to be quite an eventful month for us! It started with my birhtday...December 14th. My parents made the trip up here and we were able to share the day together. We had a great time going out to dinner and taking Nicolas to play at the park the following day. Nicolas loves it when Grandpa decides to join grnadma for a visit.

Christmas was like no other Christmas I have ever experienced. There is nothing like seeing it through your child's eyes! (especially since this is the 1st time Nicolas really understood what was going on)

About a week before Christmas the Morro Bay PD & Neighborhood Watch had Santa touring all of the neighborhoods on the Morro Bay trolley, led by a half a dozen police cars. Nicolas could hardly contain his excitement waiting for Santa to come down our street! He was literally shaking. His best friend Eva and her family joined us for the excitement.

(he was a little overwhelmed by all of the noise) Nicolas said "hi" to Santa and told him that he wanted "much trains" for Christmas. and to not forget "Diesel 10 and a big Gordon" (both trains from Thomas the Tank Engine) Santa did not dissapoint!

In the days following we got our Christmas tree and Nicolas loved heling decorate it and talk constantly about all of the different ornaments. The bottom half of the tree was "open" for Nicolas to move the ornaments as he pleased. (I moved them back when he wasn't looking, I can't deal with the cluster look!)

Nicolas even helped keep the pine needles under control...just like his mommy!

Nicolas really got into the Christmas spirit when he got a new Santa hat from Grandma Brum...he decided to wear it while he downed at least 4 chocolate chip cookies that Grandma sent (among many other wonderful gifts) ! Thanks Grandma Brum.

**Note the chipmunk cheeks**

Well, I just realized the rest of my pictures from Christmas day are on my camera is getting I will "fill you in" more later.

Happy 2008!!!