Friday, November 6, 2009

Trick or Treat!!! 10.31.09

Amy Winehouse and Michael Myers aka Elena and Brian

The Brums!

Making our rounds!

Elena and sweet!

Dr Daisy and Ms Eva the Lady Bug!


That's better!

The group!

Daddy is too scary!

Madison was happy just sitting on the porch! I had to carry her away!

Mommy and Madi at the scary house! oooh!

My little Love Bug!

The Climb...

The Wait...

The Return! She figured it out!

My little cuties!

Stopped at the coffee shop for a snack!

Spider Kai!

She really enjoyed all the walking!

The Morgans!

My little Pterdactyl! xoxo

Paloma and her daddy!

The Peffly Girls!

Checking out the Haunted House next door! Thanks McKays!!

Halloween Day 10.31.09

Who is that???

It is Madison in Nicolas' Pteradactyl costume!

Our new scary skeleton ghost decoration...Nicolas picked it out himself!

The Walden's on their way to a Halloween celebration!

Carving his first pumpkin all by himself!

Ugh! What is in there??

Daddy carving his masterpiece!

The carving event!



Nic's cookie creation!
